Saturday, March 12, 2011

easy BREEZYYY bEaUtiFuL gUrL ::)

dear diary. My frenn BrEE just make me S0o0o0o0 happyY! She is the one persOn that can ALWAYS putta smile on my face. she just has a glOw about her&her pOsitivity&beautiful smile is absOlutley cOntageous! CoSmO shoOl will not be the same! i always pasS her empty statiOn by pretty Arie&i start tearin upp! ! ! ! YoUR one of my BeStest friends bree. I LOVE YOU:)) sister always. SLEEPOVER AND CUPPiiiCAKES!!! pretty pweese?? lets bee friens forEvErs&evErs! & cOme to EacHOtheRs weddings :)) & have kiddohs&have our kidds marry eachOthers kids& wee will be family FoREvERRR!!!! what dew you tink?? letmeknow! ::::))) 


{{this is us when we were lil'}}

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