Tuesday, April 26, 2011

BREE IS MY BeSteSt FRiEnd iiiN the WhOLe WoRld :::)

CoTtOn CAndy Icecream is mY FAVORITE!!!
This sUmmer iim Gonna eat Lots of IT!

 LateLy iv been watching lOTS of Lost with behh.
I just think Kate is soO bad ass&pretty!

I first dicoverd this 2010 Summre at TetOns!

what if they really loOked like this??? KEWL!!

this just makes me giggle.

i lOVe my pet froggy. FroGs are so tute!

& FREAKIN---my bee eff eff BreEzy is getting hiitched & im just so happy furr her& i just pray that we will still hang out&go on rOad trips even thOugh she will be MarrIEd ::::((( I LOVE YOUU MERMAID!!!
thats bree and J. :::)

this iis one of my favOrite mOvies. AQUAMARINE

1 comment:

  1. awwwwwwwwwwwwe paige your my best friend and I LOVE YOuuuuuuuu!
