Monday, April 25, 2011

"oNe Dayy" >>MatisYahu

One day im gOnna be marriied&have the GroOviest hOuse youv ever seen. . . .

i LOVE mOdern. not cOlten though ::(

we will wake upp TOo our frenz erry mOrnin' ::)

this is our lil' gurls bathroOm

this will be mine&cOlts roOm @ our kriib in Hawaiiii

CoLten will get hOme frOm his missiOn&I will be the bride of his DrEaMss>>>>>
with Long BloNd hair((im nOt copying breezeee)))

With Tan skin---youll always win

& illbe sippiin' my cOffee.waiting 4 my prince to return.

1 comment:

  1. hahaha paige can I come live with you I LOVE YOU seriously I do....its kind of scary how obsessed I am with you! but we are best friends so its okay!
